The retinoblastoma is a highly malignant malignant tumor affecting(touching) essentially the infant and the young child. It is a genetically determined tumor. The gene of the retinoblastoma sits on the chromosome 13 q.


So that the tumor develops both alleles of the gene have to be moved. In the bilateral retinoblastoma there is a constitutional genetic present alteration(mutation) in all the cells of the body(organism) and the second alteration(mutation) takes place at the level of the retinal cell. That is why the gene of the retinoblastoma works as a recessive gene but the disease is passed on according to an autausomal dominant mode. In the not hereditary unifocal one-sided(unilateral) retinoblastoma in most of the cases both alterations(mutations) take place in the retinal cell.


The sarcoma (Generic name grouping(including) conjunctival all the malignant tumors of origin.)


The epithelioma (hypophyseal Malignant tumor which appears in the form of pinealoma or of teratocarcinoma.)